5W's This I Believe 2018



Tuesday May 29, 2018

Shoma Ise lives in Japan, Kanagawa, Kamakura and started to be interested in friendship because he wants to make more friends and cooperate with people that he knows. Shoma believes Friendship is important to the world BECAUSE our relationships get deepen with others. Here is Shoma with his essay for This I Believe.

Monday May 28, 2018

Vivienne Hill is a 5th grader who goes to Yokohama International School. She is in a family of beach lovers. She believes in the power of the beach. She believes that everybody should go to the beach and that the beach is good for your mental and physical health. She will try to convince you that the beach is the best place to be.

Monday May 28, 2018

Miu Matsumura has a belief in music, Music is never boring even if you are not a big fan of instruments, everybody should love the music she said, in her podcast, she talks about her story and how she found her favourite music .

Monday May 28, 2018

Nina Yu has a belief in the power of manners. Changing schools is never easy. You have to make a lot of new friends. Nina Yu talks about how just saying hello can make moving easier. Here is Nina Yu’s essay on the power of manners.

Sunday May 27, 2018

Siyu Shen has a belief that everyone should have the power to believe in themselves. When you have a dream, chase it until you catch it. Back in Grade 1, Siyu didn’t concentrate and always thought that he was a bad student. Siyu will talk about why believing in yourself is so special to him, and should be to us all.

Sunday May 27, 2018

Arissya Syameel has a belief in the power of listening to music. Looking back at the day she was angry because of one job she had to do at the weekend, she found out that music can calm her down. Here is Arissya Shameel with her essay for This I Believe.

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